Market Analysis 101: Where Do We Start?

When evaluating new product opportunities one of the area's most companies struggle with is spending time getting to know the product/market fit. In order to get to this point, a key task is working through a thorough market analysis.

A market analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting data and information about a particular market to help businesses understand dynamics, trends, and opportunities. This analysis involves examining both qualitative and quantitative data to gain insights.

Here are some specific components to market analysis that will help us better understand customer needs, behavior, preferences, and market trends:

  1. Market size and growth potential: Determining the total size of the market and its potential for growth. It can also involve identifying any sub-markets or niches within the overall market.

  2. Competitive landscape: Examining and identifying competitors within the market, including their strengths and weaknesses, market share, product offerings, and pricing strategies.

  3. Customer needs and behavior: Understanding the needs, preferences, and behavior of the target customer base. This can be accomplished through customer surveys, focus groups, interviews, and other market research methods.

  4. Market trends and opportunities: Identifying current and future trends that may impact the market, as well as any emerging opportunities for growth and innovation.

  5. Regulatory and legal considerations: Examining and learning about any regulatory or legal factors that may impact the market, such as government regulations, industry standards, or intellectual property laws.

The insights gained through market analysis can be used by businesses to inform their product development, marketing, and sales strategies, and to make informed decisions about resource allocation and investment. By staying informed about market trends and customer needs, businesses can stay competitive and better position themselves for success. Market analysis is a critical task for product managers because it helps us make informed decisions about our products and better understand key factors that either contribute to or hinder long term success.

In our Market Analysis 101 series we will work through the steps required for a solid market analysis to give you a starting point and to expand on your market analysis practices. We will be covering topics on getting to know your customers, identifying market size and opportunities, assessing competitive threats, improving positioning, and measuring product market fit. Subscribe and stay tuned for more!


Market Analysis 101: Assessing Market Size by Recognizing Total Addressable Market (TAM)


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